
Protecting Tenant Rights in Orlando: Understanding Your Options


Renting a property in Orlando, Florida can be an exciting and convenient way to find a place to call
home. However, in some instances, tenants may find themselves facing challenging situations where
their rights are infringed upon by landlords. When such circumstances arise, it is crucial for tenants to be
aware of their legal rights and the available resources to protect themselves.

In this blog post, we will explore various statutes that address tenant and landlord relations in Orlando.
We will focus on the tenant's perspective, discussing how they can protect their rights and seek justice if
they face any injustices from their landlords. Whether it's the landlord's obligation to repair premises,
the return of security deposits, wrongful eviction, or legal reasons to break a lease, we will delve into
these topics and shed light on the potential solutions.

Landlords Obligation to Repair Premises -Florida Statute 83.51:

One of the primary concerns for tenants is the condition of the rental property they occupy. Fortunately,
Florida Statute 83.51 ensures that landlords have an obligation to maintain and repair the premises in a
habitable condition. If a tenant discovers that their rental property is in need of repairs that affect its
livability, they should promptly notify the landlord in writing.

In the event that the landlord fails to address the necessary repairs within a reasonable timeframe,
tenants have several options. They can withhold rent, initiate repairs themselves and deduct the cost
from the rent, or pursue legal action. Consulting with an Orlando tenant lawyer is highly recommended
to understand the specific legal procedures and ensure that tenants follow the correct course of action.

Return of Security Deposit Florida – Statute 83.49

Security deposits are an important aspect of rental agreements, providing landlords with financial
protection and tenants with a sense of security. Florida Statute 83.49 outlines the regulations regarding
the return of security deposits.

When a tenant decides to move out, the landlord is required to return the security deposit within a
specific timeframe, typically 15 to 60 days, depending on the circumstances. If the landlord fails to
return the deposit or withholds an unreasonable portion of it without a valid reason, the tenant can take
legal action to recover the deposit. Seeking assistance from an Orlando tenant lawyer can help tenants
navigate the legal process, gather evidence, and increase their chances of a successful outcome.

Wrongful Eviction Florida – Statute 83.67(3) and Options

Being wrongfully evicted from a rental property can be an overwhelming and distressing experience for
tenants. Fortunately, Florida Statute 83.67(3) protects tenants from unlawful eviction practices. If a
tenant believes they have been wrongfully evicted, they should consult with an Orlando tenant lawyer

Under this statute, tenants have the right to seek damages against landlords who have unlawfully
removed them from their rented premises. Additionally, tenants may also be entitled to recover the cost
of alternative housing during the eviction period, as well as any other damages resulting from the

wrongful eviction. An experienced tenant lawyer can assess the situation, gather evidence, and help
tenants pursue legal action to protect their rights.

Legal Reasons to Break a Lease in Florida – Statute 83.56

Life is unpredictable, and circumstances may arise that require tenants to break their lease agreements.
Florida Statute 83.56 outlines the legal reasons for a tenant to terminate their lease without incurring

For example, if the rental unit becomes uninhabitable due to significant damage or unsafe conditions,
the tenant may have grounds for lease termination. Other valid reasons include military deployment,
health issues, or the landlord's failure to fulfill their obligations as outlined in the lease agreement.
To ensure a smooth process, tenants should provide written notice to the landlord, citing the specific
statutory provision that allows them to break the lease. Seeking guidance from an Orlando tenant
lawyer can help tenants navigate the complexities of this process, protect their rights, and avoid
unnecessary legal repercussions.


Tenants in Orlando have legal protections in place to safeguard their rights when facing infringements
by landlords. Understanding the relevant statutes and seeking assistance from an experienced Orlando
tenant lawyer can empower tenants to fight against any injustices they encounter.

If you find yourself in a situation where your rights as a tenant have been infringed upon, don't hesitate
to seek legal advice and explore the available options. By taking action and asserting your rights, you can
ensure a fair and just resolution to any conflicts with your landlord.

If you're facing tenant-landlord disputes in Orlando, contact an Orlando tenant lawyer today. Our legal
service platform provides expert guidance and representation for tenants' rights in Florida. Don't let
your rights be violated; take action and protect yourself with the help of a knowledgeable lawyer.